Friday, May 16, 2014

It's been a while since I've posted. Oops!

Finals are over (almost). Finals week is over, but of course not for me.
I have two final papers due at midnight tonight and of course I have not finished them.
So I sit at home, procrastinating of course, looking on every social media seeing all my friends enjoying their first real night of summer. And I sit here writing this blog further procrastinating finishing these papers. Oh did I mention they're worth 40% of my grade. Ha.

On another note. I have not had many dreams lately. I think it may be due to absolute lack of sleep. I guess you actually have to sleep in order to dream. Crazy concept. Although I did have one dream where I became a drug dealer.  I made a lot of money, life was good, I didn't get caught, I was a nice drug dealer. I had a great life. Lots of traveling, lots of gardening (lol). Anyway this dream involved me dropping out of Mizzou and living full time as a dope drug dealer. Punny.  But anyway it made me nervous how well I did with no negative consequences.

Don't worry I'm not becoming a drug dealer. But doesn't mean that finals haven't made me wish I could do that. I'm sure you all have felt the same...