Thursday, February 27, 2014

The Wee Problem

Psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud spent a good part of his life interpreting and analyzing his patients’ dreams based on evidence-backed theory.  He often found connections with symbols recurring in dreams and our psyche, which he wrote about in his book “The Interpretation of Dreams.” This blog is not that book.

Freud suggested that dreams are the brain’s way of fulfilling wishes deep within our mind or our Id, which the Ego and Superego deny us of.  Freud believed that our unconscious mind does a good job of disguising the real meaning of our dreams by creating abstract representations of what our mind is subconsciously wishing for.

I’m going to attempt to put the clues together of my dreams, my friends’ dreams, and anyone who is brave enough to tell me the (sometimes) messed up happenings of the movies in their heads that play while we are asleep.

What are my qualifications? None really.  Yeah I’ve taken a couple of psych classes in high school and a few here at the University of Missouri, but my goal is to use my excellent listening skills, imagination, life experience, and some of Freud’s theories to explain what’s going on in our oh so complicated little masses of mush that sit at the top of our bodies. 

I’ll start off by saying I share a room with 3 other girls (a small room, very small).  It is difficult to fall asleep when we’re all on different schedules, so usually we all try to find a common time to turn off the lights, get in bed, all that business.  Typically, if one of us is up, we’re all up.  This has its ups and downs like you can imagine.  One of the best parts about this is when one of us sleep talks and we get to listen in on the nonsense.

One of my roommates has what we call a “wee problem.” She wets the bed if she gets drunk enough.  Now, she hasn’t always done this, but it started within the past couple months.  What I find interesting is the first night that this happened she says she remembers part of a dream she was having. 

She told me that in her dream she was walking to class and people were staring at her.  Of course in her dream she wondered while people were staring at her, she said she remembered the sky was yellow, but because it’s a dream you tend not to question much.  As she kept walking to class people began to point and laugh at her.  Eventually a force told her to look down where she say a damp diaper sagging off her body.  This dream is pretty self-explanatory and straightforward. 

So maybe what you should take away from this blog is don’t drink so much.

That’s my insight into this dream.

1 comment:

  1. So, are your friends eager to volunteer their dreams, or have they decided this is a dangerous enterprise?
