Wednesday, March 5, 2014


The other night I had what I would call a disturbing dream.

I was hanging out with my three roommates when we all decided to watch a movie. Right when we decided this it became the 80's and this older guy with a creepy mustache and big wire rimmed glasses showed up. Weird. But its a dream so anything goes I guess.

We picked to watch this movie where evil cats took over human bodies and killed people.

Makes sense, I despise cats. They creep me out.

Anyway, the cats came through the television and took over my friends, so of course I was called to defend their souls to the demon cats.  If I could kill their cat-possessed bodies before they were taken by the guy with the creepy mustache, their souls would be saved.

I fought to the death and used mice friends (like Cinderella) to attack what once was my friends.

I successfully killed the cats and saved my friends, but the creepy man was after us.
I woke up as the man was opening the door to my roommate's alarm clock.

This dream only makes sense to me because I hate cats, apparently I have an underlying fear of them?
The only thing I could attribute the rest of the dream to is that school work (which I despise almost equally as much as cats) is taking over us and out souls are being eaten by the overwhelming demands of being a college student.  These demands are cutting into our free time (us originally trying to hang out and watch a movie).

So basically I hate/fear cats (schoolwork) and am afraid its taking over my life (slowly it is).

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