Monday, March 10, 2014

These past two weeks of my life have been a little hectic.

I haven't finished nearly any of my school work on time, barely slept a couple hours every night, and losing my mind trying to plan philanthropy events for my sorority. Needless to say I've been stressed out.

So my dreams have been full of angst and anxiety.  A clear sign of anxiety in dreams are your teeth falling out.  

In my dream I was dinner speaking at a fraternity about an upcoming philanthropy event we were having.  Dinner speaking can create some anxiety if you aren't a fan of public speaking, which has never been a big source of fear for me, until this dream. 

I was giving my persuasive speech, attempting to recruit guys to come to our event, and all of the sudden my bottom row of teeth started  to fall out.  I knew I couldn't open my mouth or I would lose them all, and everyone would see! 

So I tried to speak with my mouth closed…obviously it didn't work.  All of the guys were chanting "you're a dud! you're a dud! you're a dud!" So I decided to open my mouth and all of my teeth fell out onto the ground, into my hands, and crumbled.  Turned to a soft white dust. 

I woke up and immediately grabbed my face and felt my tongue to my teeth.  Praising the good Lord that they were still snuggled into my gums.  

Waking up that morning I resolved to not stress myself out so much.  I would (attempt) to manage my time better and let go of some control.  

Since starting this blog I've realized how funny/scary dreams can relate to what is going on in your life.  I have enjoyed so far "analyzing" common motifs within my dreams, as well as my friends' dreams.  It is crazy to think that we all have such unique dreams, but at the same time teeth falling out in a dream is a very common occurrence within people who are stressed out.

I'll try to remember to take my daily chill pill from now on. 

1 comment:

  1. Yes, teeth falling out all at once sounds like time universal remedy...Sparky's ice cream. I recommend a triple anything in a waffle cone.
