Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Last night one of my roommates had a dream about prom.

We haven't gone to prom in 2 years.

She said she found the perfect prom dress and was ready for such a magical night. This is very comical because anyone whose ever gone to a prom knows how un-magical it is.  I have never not cried at some point the day of a high school dance. Either my hair didn't look right, my dress somehow didn't fit like it did the day before, my date was being mean, we didn't know what party we were going to after (none of our parents would be ok with a bunch of 18 and unders openly drinking, breaking things, and laughing until 4am) shocker.

Prom is never what we all expect.  We always set unreal expectations, when all that really mattered is being around good friends and having an even better time.

Sorority and fraternity formals are a somewhat heightened version of this.  The only difference is we typically drink quite a bit of alcohol beforehand.  And you might end up twisting your ankle and end up in a boot for 3 weeks after going in your too-high, high heels. (not like this has ever happened to me….)

In my friend's dream she was getting ready to have the time of her life in what she believed was the perfect prom dress.  Luckily she woke up before her unrealistic expectations were shattered and someone spilt the non-alcoholic red punch on your lavender dress after being at the venue for less than five minutes! Yeah, that was my senior prom.

But dreams are said to fulfill wishes.  So maybe she is wishing for a fairytale night.

Instead, she will troll off to Big 12 and hope for a somewhat attractive semi-intoxicated frat boy to buy her a drink or two, and if she's lucky she'll be wearing her favorite shirt.

Almost as good as having the perfect prom dress. Almost.


  1. I love this! I loved prom. Being able to pick out the best dress ever months in advanced. I have dreams like this all the time. I wish I wasn't graduating so soon. I would love to go to something like this again before I did. Love this post! Good job.

  2. Sounds like your dreams already died a while ago--and that you are okay with it. The only difference between Prom and fraternity/sorority functions is that in high school everyone cares way too much and in college nobody cares at all. Of course, as you say, gratuitous amounts of alcohol may or may not have something to do with the noticable change in attitude.

  3. I agree with the comment above me! Nick S…very true. I think that's why I like fraternity/sorority date parties and formals a lot better. People are there to have fun, and there aren't any super high expectations. Everyone's just there to have a good time, maybe drink some cheap alcohol, dance, etc. There aren't any super high expectations, which makes it easy to have a really great night!
