Friday, March 21, 2014

Gulf Shores

For spring break this year the crew and I (44 of us) are driving to good ole Gulf Shores, Alabama.  Over half of my sorority pledge class is driving 13 long hours to all live together in a 32 person house on the beach. (Again, there's 44 of us).  Needless to say this will be an interesting week.

As we prepare our duffel bags full of stuff we will most likely never wear, and too little of the clothes we wish we would have remembered to pack, excitement and nerves are abundant.  We are praying for blue skies and sunshine (the weather forecast says its supposed to be a high of 59 degrees, with a 50% + chance of rain everyday).  But relentless we are in our high hopes and even higher squeals of excitement.

Obviously our dream for this spring break looks much different than that ^^^.

We want clear skies, 70s and up, cute boys, a big cooler filled with ice (and other things), and no drama. (reminder-there's 44 girls going on vacation living together in a house that is only supposed to hold 32).  So I hope, no I pray, that there will at least be a big cooler filled with whatever is needed to block out the drama and inevitably stormy skies.

Let's see if Gulf Shores is where this dream goes to die...

1 comment:

  1. My friends went to Gulf Shores too! I feel like a lot of people from Mizzou went there. I heard the weather was good for most of the trip, but kind of windy and rainy on some days. Hope you enjoyed your break!
