Friday, May 16, 2014

It's been a while since I've posted. Oops!

Finals are over (almost). Finals week is over, but of course not for me.
I have two final papers due at midnight tonight and of course I have not finished them.
So I sit at home, procrastinating of course, looking on every social media seeing all my friends enjoying their first real night of summer. And I sit here writing this blog further procrastinating finishing these papers. Oh did I mention they're worth 40% of my grade. Ha.

On another note. I have not had many dreams lately. I think it may be due to absolute lack of sleep. I guess you actually have to sleep in order to dream. Crazy concept. Although I did have one dream where I became a drug dealer.  I made a lot of money, life was good, I didn't get caught, I was a nice drug dealer. I had a great life. Lots of traveling, lots of gardening (lol). Anyway this dream involved me dropping out of Mizzou and living full time as a dope drug dealer. Punny.  But anyway it made me nervous how well I did with no negative consequences.

Don't worry I'm not becoming a drug dealer. But doesn't mean that finals haven't made me wish I could do that. I'm sure you all have felt the same...

Friday, March 21, 2014

Gulf Shores

For spring break this year the crew and I (44 of us) are driving to good ole Gulf Shores, Alabama.  Over half of my sorority pledge class is driving 13 long hours to all live together in a 32 person house on the beach. (Again, there's 44 of us).  Needless to say this will be an interesting week.

As we prepare our duffel bags full of stuff we will most likely never wear, and too little of the clothes we wish we would have remembered to pack, excitement and nerves are abundant.  We are praying for blue skies and sunshine (the weather forecast says its supposed to be a high of 59 degrees, with a 50% + chance of rain everyday).  But relentless we are in our high hopes and even higher squeals of excitement.

Obviously our dream for this spring break looks much different than that ^^^.

We want clear skies, 70s and up, cute boys, a big cooler filled with ice (and other things), and no drama. (reminder-there's 44 girls going on vacation living together in a house that is only supposed to hold 32).  So I hope, no I pray, that there will at least be a big cooler filled with whatever is needed to block out the drama and inevitably stormy skies.

Let's see if Gulf Shores is where this dream goes to die...

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Last night one of my roommates had a dream about prom.

We haven't gone to prom in 2 years.

She said she found the perfect prom dress and was ready for such a magical night. This is very comical because anyone whose ever gone to a prom knows how un-magical it is.  I have never not cried at some point the day of a high school dance. Either my hair didn't look right, my dress somehow didn't fit like it did the day before, my date was being mean, we didn't know what party we were going to after (none of our parents would be ok with a bunch of 18 and unders openly drinking, breaking things, and laughing until 4am) shocker.

Prom is never what we all expect.  We always set unreal expectations, when all that really mattered is being around good friends and having an even better time.

Sorority and fraternity formals are a somewhat heightened version of this.  The only difference is we typically drink quite a bit of alcohol beforehand.  And you might end up twisting your ankle and end up in a boot for 3 weeks after going in your too-high, high heels. (not like this has ever happened to me….)

In my friend's dream she was getting ready to have the time of her life in what she believed was the perfect prom dress.  Luckily she woke up before her unrealistic expectations were shattered and someone spilt the non-alcoholic red punch on your lavender dress after being at the venue for less than five minutes! Yeah, that was my senior prom.

But dreams are said to fulfill wishes.  So maybe she is wishing for a fairytale night.

Instead, she will troll off to Big 12 and hope for a somewhat attractive semi-intoxicated frat boy to buy her a drink or two, and if she's lucky she'll be wearing her favorite shirt.

Almost as good as having the perfect prom dress. Almost.

Monday, March 10, 2014

These past two weeks of my life have been a little hectic.

I haven't finished nearly any of my school work on time, barely slept a couple hours every night, and losing my mind trying to plan philanthropy events for my sorority. Needless to say I've been stressed out.

So my dreams have been full of angst and anxiety.  A clear sign of anxiety in dreams are your teeth falling out.  

In my dream I was dinner speaking at a fraternity about an upcoming philanthropy event we were having.  Dinner speaking can create some anxiety if you aren't a fan of public speaking, which has never been a big source of fear for me, until this dream. 

I was giving my persuasive speech, attempting to recruit guys to come to our event, and all of the sudden my bottom row of teeth started  to fall out.  I knew I couldn't open my mouth or I would lose them all, and everyone would see! 

So I tried to speak with my mouth closed…obviously it didn't work.  All of the guys were chanting "you're a dud! you're a dud! you're a dud!" So I decided to open my mouth and all of my teeth fell out onto the ground, into my hands, and crumbled.  Turned to a soft white dust. 

I woke up and immediately grabbed my face and felt my tongue to my teeth.  Praising the good Lord that they were still snuggled into my gums.  

Waking up that morning I resolved to not stress myself out so much.  I would (attempt) to manage my time better and let go of some control.  

Since starting this blog I've realized how funny/scary dreams can relate to what is going on in your life.  I have enjoyed so far "analyzing" common motifs within my dreams, as well as my friends' dreams.  It is crazy to think that we all have such unique dreams, but at the same time teeth falling out in a dream is a very common occurrence within people who are stressed out.

I'll try to remember to take my daily chill pill from now on. 

Wednesday, March 5, 2014


The other night I had what I would call a disturbing dream.

I was hanging out with my three roommates when we all decided to watch a movie. Right when we decided this it became the 80's and this older guy with a creepy mustache and big wire rimmed glasses showed up. Weird. But its a dream so anything goes I guess.

We picked to watch this movie where evil cats took over human bodies and killed people.

Makes sense, I despise cats. They creep me out.

Anyway, the cats came through the television and took over my friends, so of course I was called to defend their souls to the demon cats.  If I could kill their cat-possessed bodies before they were taken by the guy with the creepy mustache, their souls would be saved.

I fought to the death and used mice friends (like Cinderella) to attack what once was my friends.

I successfully killed the cats and saved my friends, but the creepy man was after us.
I woke up as the man was opening the door to my roommate's alarm clock.

This dream only makes sense to me because I hate cats, apparently I have an underlying fear of them?
The only thing I could attribute the rest of the dream to is that school work (which I despise almost equally as much as cats) is taking over us and out souls are being eaten by the overwhelming demands of being a college student.  These demands are cutting into our free time (us originally trying to hang out and watch a movie).

So basically I hate/fear cats (schoolwork) and am afraid its taking over my life (slowly it is).

Thursday, February 27, 2014

The Wee Problem

Psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud spent a good part of his life interpreting and analyzing his patients’ dreams based on evidence-backed theory.  He often found connections with symbols recurring in dreams and our psyche, which he wrote about in his book “The Interpretation of Dreams.” This blog is not that book.

Freud suggested that dreams are the brain’s way of fulfilling wishes deep within our mind or our Id, which the Ego and Superego deny us of.  Freud believed that our unconscious mind does a good job of disguising the real meaning of our dreams by creating abstract representations of what our mind is subconsciously wishing for.

I’m going to attempt to put the clues together of my dreams, my friends’ dreams, and anyone who is brave enough to tell me the (sometimes) messed up happenings of the movies in their heads that play while we are asleep.

What are my qualifications? None really.  Yeah I’ve taken a couple of psych classes in high school and a few here at the University of Missouri, but my goal is to use my excellent listening skills, imagination, life experience, and some of Freud’s theories to explain what’s going on in our oh so complicated little masses of mush that sit at the top of our bodies. 

I’ll start off by saying I share a room with 3 other girls (a small room, very small).  It is difficult to fall asleep when we’re all on different schedules, so usually we all try to find a common time to turn off the lights, get in bed, all that business.  Typically, if one of us is up, we’re all up.  This has its ups and downs like you can imagine.  One of the best parts about this is when one of us sleep talks and we get to listen in on the nonsense.

One of my roommates has what we call a “wee problem.” She wets the bed if she gets drunk enough.  Now, she hasn’t always done this, but it started within the past couple months.  What I find interesting is the first night that this happened she says she remembers part of a dream she was having. 

She told me that in her dream she was walking to class and people were staring at her.  Of course in her dream she wondered while people were staring at her, she said she remembered the sky was yellow, but because it’s a dream you tend not to question much.  As she kept walking to class people began to point and laugh at her.  Eventually a force told her to look down where she say a damp diaper sagging off her body.  This dream is pretty self-explanatory and straightforward. 

So maybe what you should take away from this blog is don’t drink so much.

That’s my insight into this dream.